There Will Always Be Someone Prettier, Smarter, and Wealthier Than You


Striving to be better than everyone else will not work. Simply because there will always be someone “better” than us. Sure, I may be smart but that doesn’t mean that just because I’m not the smartest person in my group of friends I am suddenly not good enough. I struggle a lot with comparing myself to others. This tends to leave me very anxious or depressed. It’s hard to remember that you should only focus on being the best you, not trying to be better than everyone around you.

It’s fine to use others as motivation. If I see someone who dresses particularly well that may motivate me to want to be more like her. I just have to be careful not to sit around and think to myself, “Wow, I wish I could look like her. It sucks being ugly!”. What good will that do? None.

This was a hard lesson to learn. I used to remember telling my parents about the grades or activities other students did at my school. I remember their responses always being along the lines of, “Why does it matter what the other kids are doing?”. I understand much more now why they would say that, I should really just be focusing on my own growth and strength.

To this day I still catch myself getting down because I see all my peers on social media putting forth their “perfect” lives. I just have to tell myself that I am happy for their success, but I need to work on creating my own path.